
frankie !! he/him 14 infp taurus eng/fr

<3 my friends , animals , books , video games , water , music , art , alex g
</3 itchy clothes, loud/high pitched noises, flashing lights, really bright colors, being left on read
triggers mentions of self-harm, fresh scars, sexual harassment

BFYI ...

i say swear words, say "HELP" alot as a way to laugh, i love talking about my interests, i go non-verbal from time to time, i am very socially awkward and take a long time to open up, rant about my life mindlessly when the subject is brought up, i can talk alot or barely, not always online, i am a highly sensitive person and have OCD


you enjoy voice chatting and facetiming , playing video games with friends, is loyal , has the same interests as me

... DNI

under 11 or over 20, basic dni criteria, make fun of people (even as a "joke", depends on what it is), use slurs you can't reclaim, tells people to kts

˖✦⊹ interests ⊹✦˖

sharks , good omens , sherlock holmes , detroit become human , spiderman , little nightmares, undertale

˖✦⊹ likes + hobbies ⊹✦˖

minecraft , sally face , my little pony , project sekai , EPIC: the musical , percy jackson , deltarune , zelda , black butler , sims 4 , drawing , writing , reading , reading/writing fanfics (on AO3), jacksepticeye

˖✦⊹ kins ⊹✦˖

twilight sparkle , emu otori , shoko nishimiya , yuri , sayori , mami tomoe , luz noceda , sunny , aziraphale

carrd inspired by @lvoIess on pinterest